Cut the

Liveo Research – your partner
for sustainable solutions

Cut the

Liveo Research – your partner for sustainable solutions

Cut the

Liveo Research – your partner for sustainable solutions

Cut the waste!

Sustainability at Liveo Research goes beyond providing eco-friendly packaging solutions. We extend the concept of sustainability to all processes involved, from start to finish.

Sustainability at Liveo Research goes beyond providing eco-friendly packaging solutions.
We extend the concept of sustainability to all processes involved, from start to finish.

  • Optimal Packaging

  • Reduced Product Development Cycles

  • Significant Material Cost Savings

  • Faster Speed to Market

  • Less Waste / Reduced Carbon Footprint

  • No overpackaging

  • No failed stability tests

  • No expensive trial & error

  • No overlong product
    development cycles

  • No false predictions of shelf life

  • No field failures

It goes without saying that the right choice of material is a key element to meeting the upcoming legal requirements and we are at the forefront of creating sustainable packaging. However, if you look at the entire process of creating a new packaging for your products there are many steps which are anything but lean.

Take a widely occurring waste: when a packaging is larger than needed you lose money. But how can you make sure that the smaller size does not negatively impact its proper use? This is where our unique expertise comes in. LiveoOptima™ is a comprehensive programme based on science and in-depth application know-how – and our team of engineers will work closely with you to find solutions that are not only safe but also sustainable and cost-efficient.

Listen to our Customers

Save up to 30% of overall packaging costs with LiveoOptima™!

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